Me, The Usual Suspect
Archive, Art + Life Archive, Art + Life

Me, The Usual Suspect

On Social Media & Living a Normal Life: Part 3— There's plenty of evidence to support the idea that what's making social media so hard for me is not social media, but me. So maybe I am neurotic, and maybe at the same time I desperately don't want anyone to notice that neurosis. And maybe posting on social media makes it so I'm constantly having to face that and a host of other truths about my shortcomings. I want to be authentic, but I also don't want to be an idiot. Or at the very least...

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What's On the Line
Archive, Art + Life Archive, Art + Life

What's On the Line

On Social Media & Living a Normal Life: Part 2— Why do I have to be so angsty and fraught with the ins and outs of social media? Ugh. I dunno. Can it really be as bad as it feels to me? I have really good friends who work at Facebook, Google, YouTube, all of the related tech companies. It's partly just because of living here in the Bay Area, and partly because of the expansive connections I have…

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Oh, The Places We Post!
Archive, Art + Life Archive, Art + Life

Oh, The Places We Post!

On Social Media Use & Living a Normal Life: Part 1— place post place post—I want to consider what the words place and post mean in their real life forms. Like: what these used to mean, before the internet, before social media. Because I wonder: If I think about place and post as the physical precursors to what they mean now for online life, maybe I might somehow grasp just what it is about social media that makes me feel that it’s not what it first claimed to be?…

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