Mindful Painting at CoG

Mindful Painting at CoG

Week 2 of my 3rd year at the Center of Gravity Preschool, here are the youngest kids getting a close look at their brushes and applying paint to their hands I mean watercolor paper. :) … As I placed the papers before them, especially the youngest needed to get a sense of paying attention to their paper where they'd be doing the artwork….

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Basic Brush Skills at CoG

Basic Brush Skills at CoG

It's back to school week, and I've made a lot of new little friends at the Center of Gravity (CoG) where I teach two year olds through six year olds. I'm meeting mini-reflections of older sibs I've had in recent years :) so that I'll be looking at a child and thinking, isn't that ...? But ... ? And it turns out, yes indeed, she or he is the 2nd (or 3rd, or etc) edition of that particular family. Sweet!…

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