Impressions: A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman

Book Category: Adult Fiction

I decided to read* this because I needed to have an entertaining story with amusing elements. This writer came through for me when I read Anxious People during some other challenging life moment, and I definitely remember laughing. Also at that time, I thought I might just go on to read another book of his right after that one, but when I read the description of this one, I was like- PASS. Coz I just could not read a grumpy old man story, even if it was balanced with humor and heartwarming elements. But now that there’s an English version of it in theaters, and it has Tom Hanks, I felt that yes, if I picture Tom Hanks as the grumpy fella, I could handle it. I might even watch the movie, but I’d rather watch the Swedish one with subtitles, coz I want to see the Swedish movie treatment of it before the American one.

*I say that “read” this book even though I only listened to the audio.

(Definitely spoilers)

  • I liked noticing the way the author introduced his main character grumpy guy (Ove) as talking with his wife, and her not responding, A mention of dividing things. A hint that it might have been divorce, so: a one-way conversation with an estranged spouse? Author kept that feel going for a while.

  • I really enjoyed the love story part of this book… he adored his wife with everything in him… the suspension of disbelief worked for me in this book… realistic enough to immerse in enjoyment of it

  • I also loved the way the distinct characters came together. Again, it was believable enough for me to be in the moment, enjoying the story. Now as I write this, the reality of its fades away but I like the hopefulness of seeing a diverse bundle of fallible people getting woven together

  • do most people pick up on the fact that she’s dead right from the beginning? (I did.) Just wondering how long the illusion of her still being alive lasts for most people.

  • I noticed the absence of children/child in the main character’s present day life… so the story is revealed that the wife had “an accident” but it’s not till further in story that we find out about a lost pregnancy. I recall this pregnancy loss plot point being introduced in a way that created suspense and page turns (aka a feeling of looking forward to hearing what’s next, in my case of reading this via audio)

  • The chapters were each introduced with “A man called Ove… <insert situation>.” It could have been aggravating as a literary device, but for me, since it was in line with the main character’s preference for routine, it felt pretty natural.

  • Question about the cat… I have never met a cat who would act as much like a dog as the two cat characters did in this book. Are there rare cats that do this, walking around with their people on daily outings, riding in the car, going into cafes… ? All the cats I know prefer to stay home and are not “go along for the ride” types. Do I need to get out more? Expand my circle of cat friends?

This is part of my Not a Normal Review series.
Which is not a formal thing, it’s just—
My idea for how to keep notes about books I’ve read.
Finished: in February 2023
Format: Audio only, narration by JK Simmons
If I am wrong on anything, let me know!


Retreating to Recalibrate


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