Within, the Project: Proceeding

So I found a way to lose myself in painting. I'm moving ahead with placing myself in an essential art making form, while infusing it with layers of ways to approach this very activity that I love. I started in the Painting Department at the San Francisco Art Institute, then moved quickly over to New Genres to study under conceptual, performance, and video artists as well as writers. Now, why can't I just paint? I'm figuring that out.So I've been painting, but still I want to break out of painting. I love what I'm doing, but it's still not enough.I might have to cross post here on this blog and on my project blog also. Or maybe I will incorporate that other blog here? That's a technical issue. But just a heads up that I'm figuring it out. I expect this to be a long term project.My project title is: #within, titled thus because I occasionally incorporate posts from twitter as I think through this project. So, "#" = a way to indicate an ongoing subject title on twitter.#within: http://inprogressmrk.wordpress.com/ (I have moved all my #within project posts here to my main website, you can click on the box below for the complete #within category posts.)


Within, the Project: Notes


Within, the Project: Painting