Necessary Evil
It's not that it was a perfect pile.Mismatched, hodge-podge & barely stable,it could be argued that its minutes were numbered.Perfect, no. But folded? Yes.Then this little sweetheart came along.He found his mother on the phone,and his eyes brightened with possibility.Less than 20 seconds passed.Just a nudge (actually a shove,)some towel surfing,a few yelps of glee,and down it went.The End.(p.s.the tower was reassembledand lasted until the morning.My five year old saw it,heard it calling his name,and promptly knocked it down.I asked him "Why?"He said: Because it's a Tower.And I would add:because you are a you.)☺(another p.s.I read this storyto my five year old,and he said he wanted to add something.He ran to my bedroom,-the location of the tower-came quickly back with props(folded towels) to demonstrate,and told me to add:"I flippedand the towels flew in the air."Clearly,children do not valuefolded laundry.)