Coming Soon

Can it be that I all of a sudden feel like I am gonna have a newborn here really really soon? Yesterday it felt like "it'll be a while"; Today- it feels like.... "He's coming!!!"Maybe Zee will come late... but my intuition tells me, no, he'll be early.Enn was only 1 day "early", but this one...I think he's gonna be here sooner than that.I'm "Due" May 11th, but "Home Free" April 11th!That's why I am-1. Working on getting Enn's new bedroom ready (he has to "move out" of his current one)2. Pricing formula because I need to both bottle feed and nurse3. Making a list of the layette stuff I need to either buy or dust off4. I need a lot of bibs. A LOT. A WHOLE LOT. Enn drooled and spit up soooooo much. Drooled until he was past 2 years old.5. Already looking forward to exercising. Only because I can't, probably.On another note:I am the Featured Artist at MDW this month!


Off Bedrest

