Being Taken on a Walk
Coming home from an errand and Enn greets me at the car (my mom was home with him.) He walks to the side of the carport, and looks back at me- "come on, mama!" and waves his hand forward towards me, instead of back towards him, it's his way. And he takes me thru the "wilderness" that is the back of our backyard, and we make a path to the Canal Trail. I had to double back real quick to drop off my purse coz I wasn't planning on this little side trip. I had to squelch all my feelings about the calls I needed to make, and the things I needed to get done. Enn took me on a walk today. He took me away from myself, and I slowed down to walk with him. We saw dogs, we saw ducks, we saw a goose. It was fully satisfying, a slow walk with my son, taking in the sights of the neighborhood. I want to write a poem about it, but I can't. I have been trying to write a poem for a couple days, but I am stumped. Maybe I am trying too hard. Stage fright with the blog. Dunno. Anyway, I had a good walk today. I can thank my friend and her blog about cute moments that's making me remember this one. *Sigh.* A good moment, and then, I think, two tantrums before dinner where he's flinging himself back so dangerously that I can't even carry him to his timeout spot. Argh!! But I love him.