Maritza Ruiz-Kim

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Subject & Book List for the Studio MFA

May-Dec 2015by/for Maritza Ruiz-KimSubjects:

  • A. Artists and Object-Making in the Art Market
  • B. Social Practice and Art as Activism: Ways Artists Bring About Change
  • C. The Artist as Writer

Notes for Subjects/Books:Here is the list of entries for notes I make specifically about these subjects. These notes are where I will synthesize the reading with my art practice, answering the questions that dog me in my work. *Note: I'm starting to realize that sometimes my blog posts on doing the Studio MFA will also contain notes on what I'm learning. Also I'm still trying to figure out how to format this blog so all this info makes sense to anyone who stumbles across it! Hard to do when I'm simultaneously working at this MFA. But I'm making an effort.☺- mrk. Oct 1, 2015.Books: