Maritza Ruiz-Kim

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Enn got a hold of his scissors, found some paper, and snipped a little piece of double sided tape and he created this little Sculpture– a Boat– that is about three and a half inches long. He decided it should go on the very top of the bookshelf in the dining room (or is it an armoire? or a cabinet? or a hutch? where is a master list of the names of all possible names of types of furniture? do names change based on the placement of the furniture? where are the experts on this?) :)Anyway, I have sweet boy in Enn, I know. And I just can't wait to upload some videos of Zee, that baby makes me laugh.So, here I am, after almost 2 weeks of not posting, because I am finally beginning to catch up on my life. December 2007 wiped me OUT. I just so overextended myself and I thought I could handle it. Well, I couldn't. I just want my little family.So, what's with the schooling? It's this: I'm going to homeschool! With another 10% getting cut from California's public education budget, and our local district mired in financial problems while quality teachers eyeball other districts for employment, and just the overscheduled life that lots of kids have... well, I want my sweet creative crazy boys to get an education that challenges them, that inspires them, and that gives them room to breathe and be kids. I want them to have strong characters, I want them to pursue & achieve goals. I want them to learn lots of things & have lots of information in their little brains, and I want them to know what to do with it. And when they grow up, I want them to have the confidence and the self-awareness to choose a life path that isn't about status or money or prooving anything to anyone- I want them to just be the best people they can be.And that's just the other-than-spiritual side; when it comes to their spirits, I hope that they know the Divine God in a whole way. I think it's Jeremiah 24:7 that says "I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the LORD. They will be my people, and I will be their God, for they will return to me with all their heart." That's what I consider a theme scripture that sums up my hope for them- that they will desire to know the Great Spirit in all his goodness, his power, his mysteries, his unconditional love, his perfection, his intricate involvement in our lives... and that they will know that he's in charge, and that they respect that. But they'll be comfortable in that place, not stifled, not restrained with cold expectations of acting Good, but they will find comfort in the guidance and perfect wisdom that comes from walking alongside a living Spirit, knowing spiritual truths, looking at ancient scriptures that shed light on our lives even today, because life is bigger than just what their parents know. There's a grander scheme in life, and I hope they want to be a part of it. So- whatever happens in their hearts & minds as young adults (because we all take our own paths) I hope that they return to seeking God from their own hearts.These are my dreams, or- just some of my dreams. It hasn't occurred to me until just this second that I might try to imagine what career path they will take. I guess because honestly, it's just not important to me. I just want them to be good men. That's all that matters to me.P.S.I got a new camera! It so totally rocks!!! Gimme some fin... noggin...duuuude... Enn and I watched all of Finding Nemo so many times that I know all the words, that's something Crush the Old Sea Turtle said. I love my camera. So much for thinking I wouldn't make use of a huge camera. I can't help myself. It's sorta a professional camera: Canon Digital Rebel XT. The first picture from this camera is a picture of Enn's paper boat. Sigh. Love the lighting, the blurred background. And it was taken indoors at night, a notoriously disappointing picture situation in the past. Sigh. Happy.